Monday 9 January 2012

222: Where would you go hide and why

-Go into a crowd
-Wear a disguise
-Go to a remote place

The three options above are just a few places you would go or things you would do as you try to hide. However, the place where I would go has all these three alternatives. At present, I am in a tiny village in Bihar, a sate in India, called Bodhgaya. This is the place where Buddha gained enlightenment and is also a place in which many high monks, the Dalai Lama, the Karmapa, give their teachings. These are the only times when people actually come to this place. Therefore, I would like to think that the person who I’m hiding from wouldn’t even consider looking for me in this place. There are over three hundred thousand Buddhists, from all over the world, here at present. This would make it extremely difficult to find the person you need. Because there aren’t many places to go in Bodhgaya, no matter where you go there is a crowd of people. If you want to eat at a restaurant, you have to wait at least 10 minutes to find a seat. If you want to go to the main temple, you have to wait in a never-ending line amongst a hundred other people. This shows how many people are present here and how difficult it would be for the person I’m hiding from to find me. If they consider announcing for me at the main office I would probably not respond as they would announce for ‘Tsewang’ and that is a very common name and probably more than 10 people here have that name. Besides, no one in my family calls me that so I would know that it is a stranger. Lastly, because this place is so dusty and germs of various diseases are floating around in the air, majority of the people here are wearing face masks. This would obscure the path for the person looking for me. I could be any ordinary girl amongst the thousands and wearing a pair of shades would just complicate the chase for him/her.

(i wrote this while was in Bodhgaya, but i forgot to post to post it then)

1 comment:

  1. Great job in expressing your thoughts with detailed information about your hiding place! I really don't think I would be able to find you if all the people around me wore face masks and had same names as you do. :)
