Sunday 15 January 2012

Best teachers

188. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Coaches are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

As a child I was always afraid of doing anything wrong, as it seemed like it always resulted in an adult angry, me getting scolded by that adult, and ultimately finding myself upset about the whole situation. However, as years went by I realized that even though I hurt myself and sometimes others, it never lasted for long. I would apologize for my mistakes and that “oh, so scary thing” that I may have done or caused was forgotten within the next ten minutes and everything would be back to normal. This way I learnt that experiencing new things, whether it may be good or bad, was the best way I would learn. By saying this, I do not mean that coaches are not good teachers. They may give the best advice and will probably say them hoping that it will make things easier for us, but one cannot guarantee that what they say will happen. What they say are usually assumptions or something that they saw, heard, or even ‘experienced’ themselves. If somebody that you look up to and follow every advice they’ve given says, “Apply honey on your skin to make it soft and clear” you will probably find yourself doing just that. But what if you were allegoric to honey and by applying it on your skin caused a bad allergic reaction? That advice did you no good. Therefore, trying out other natural products may have a positive effect on you, yet you would have never known that honey would not work for you if you had not tried. Many people will have different opinions, and even if a coach coaches you a 100 times, you will never really know unless you do it yourself. “One experience is better than a 100 advices,” is an old Tibetan saying that I have constantly been hearing every now and again. 


  1. I really like the way you wrote. Especially the way you started this piece with your own experience.

  2. The personal anecdote really set up the mood to read the essay.
    It was well organized and I guess you can be a good coach when you grow up :P
