Tuesday 15 November 2011

Challenge 14: KFC

62. Discuss how something you have read has affected you or changed your mind about something.

It was all over the news, “KFC is now open in Nepal!” Posts on facebook and constant calls and messages from family and friends back home kept reminding me that this fast food chain had opened a new branch where I lived. The first KFC opened in Nepal in the year 2009, but that did not make a difference to me. I had given up eating the chicken there. When I first told my father about it, he was amazed and didn’t believe me, but somehow I convinced him and myself that it was possible.

I made this decision in grade 7 after reading an online news article for my health class. As I sat in front of the computer screen, I was disgusted by how some people ignorantly worked there. I found the treatment of the chickens before they were butchered appalling! Injecting chemicals into these poor, harmless, creatures that had just a day or two to live, to fatten them up, and cram them up in tiny cages, were acts that are just inhumane!

After reading that article my mind-set changed completely. I was going to stop (okay, try to stop) myself from eating the juicy, crispy, golden chicken, from one of my favorite fast-food chain, for as long as I could. I’m proud to say that I did (kinda) achieve my goal. I didn’t touch a single piece of Kentucky Fried Chicken for three years. I preferred choosing another restaurant over KFC to avoid the temptation and if I did have to go in, I would just eat a corn-on-the-cob in the corner while the rest of my family and friends indulged in the chicken.

It wasn’t until last year that I started eating the chicken again. The first bite into the soft meat was … delicious; but I don’t feel like I missed out on anything. I enjoyed those 3 years without KFC and I try to eat as little of that chicken as possible. 

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