Sunday 20 November 2011

Challenge 19: Good Parent?

183. Do you think that you have the qualifications of a good parent? Discuss.

My mother is the most considerate, loving, person I know. She listens to all my complaints, showers me with love, makes me feel special and most importantly teaches me how to make this life beneficial. My mother corrects me when I am wrong, and most of her habits are something I longingly want to acquire. She calls every once in two days making sure I drink enough water and get enough sleep. No matter what time of the day it is, she takes time off to listen to me and nobody’s shoulder is as comforting as hers to cry on. My mother is the most patient person I know and is someone whose traits fit perfectly for a good parent.

Unfortunately, I do not posses those qualities. I am often irritated easily, and I do not have the patience to wait for more than a few minutes. This definitely means that I cannot wait for a baby to sleep or wait for children, while they play after school. I am very grumpy when I am woken up at night and I don’t really think straight when I am still half-asleep. Having to be responsible for a child in a time like that would be very dangerous as I could be careless. I hate it when babies cry. I can never tell when they cry because they are hungry or whether they are too hot, it is extremely frustrating when I cannot find any way to communicate with them.

One of the few qualities that I posses to be good parent is that I try to comfort children when they are upset. The fact that I dislike the sound of crying makes me do anything to make it stop. Seeing people cry makes me feel really bad, and it is probably worse when a parent sees their child crying. Because of my mother, I do not have prominent bad habits. Having good habits as a parent is really important for their children as it influences them in everything they do. Children adapt to the ways of their parents.

I can definitely say that I do not possess the quality of a good parent yet. But people learn as time goes on and that is one of the many things that I will have to learn later on in my life. 

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