Saturday 26 November 2011

Challenge 25: Service

175. If you were given the opportunity to spend one year in service on behalf of others, which area would you choose? Explain what you would do and why.

Living the last few years of my life all glum and quiet, without many visits from my children and grandchildren is the last way I would choose to live when I get old. Many old people live in old age homes as they are sent there by their children who cannot afford to take care of their own parents or because they don’t have children who will take care of them. The few children that send their parents to such places make seldom visits as they would have never sent them if they cared. It really makes me wonder how children can send their own parents, the very people that brought them into this world and did everything they could to make them happy, to an old age home?

If I were given the opportunity to spend one year in service, it would be in the Tibetan old age home in Pokhara, Nepal. I would go there with my grandmother, who makes frequent visits there, and help out with the chores, talk with the elderly people and listen to their stories of the past, running away from Tibet during the invasion, making a living from scratch etc.  This way, I can make them happy in their last few years and bring back treasured memories. My presence will also change the monotonous atmosphere of the place as having a member from a younger generation around will change the ambiance (hopefully) making it livelier.

One day, all of us are going to be old (and this day will come before we know it). Knowing that you have people that care about you is the most important feeling you can get when that happens.

1 comment:

  1. You know, there is a Tibetan old age home in Mussoorie. Maybe you could set up regular visits there?
