Wednesday 16 November 2011

Challenge 15: Telepathy

21. If you had the gift of telepathy, the ability to read other people’s minds, would you use this gift or not? Explain. (Middle East Technical University/93)

I have a secret -
I am different,
But there are others too.
We see things in minds
That we do not want to.

I try my very best
To shut out this gift
Yet sometimes it gets so hard to ignore,
As some thoughts are much of interest.

I know it is wrong to do so
Thoughts being the only thing
That one can keep to oneself;
I wouldn't want others to read my thoughts,
Even if it were in bold with a glow.

I feel as though I am stealing
As a mind appears in sight.
I don't want to invade her privacy
But her thoughts are about that guy I like!
Unfortunately, this looks quite appealing.

This gift of mine is not always bad.
It helps me truly differentiate the good from the bad.
In cases of trouble I am always there
The criminal stands out with black thoughts surrounding the air.

I have a secret
That I would give up if i could.
It makes me feel bad,
and does me little good.

Thoughts are something that shouldn't be read,
You can take it if you want, and let me pick another instead.


  1. It seems you don't like
    stealing from other's head,
    but if you had a choice
    what would you choose instead?

    You said you would give up this gift,
    of course, all well said, but
    what if it was THAT girl that asked
    who wanted to have this instead?

    What a horrible world to live in
    with no thoughts to oneself.
    If I was cursed with such a gift,
    I would do everything to destroy it.

  2. if i could choose another gift.. ermm it would be ... teleporting. or like. flying ... something besides this :)
