Wednesday 30 November 2011

Challenge 29: Animal

173. If you had to describe yourself as an animal, what animal would you select and why?

As I walked past the never ending line of transparent glass in the zoo, I caught a glimpse of a group of red pandas scurrying over the branches. As it was one of the few animals that were actually moving around, I found myself standing there, continuing to watch them play around.
Watching the family of red pandas in their captive home, I realized that I was very much like them.

- These animals are dwarfed by their black and white relatives that share the same name. Similarly I am the smallest member in my family and am taken much advantage of.

-They have a variety of things included in their diet (unlike giant pandas), including bamboo. I like to try out new dishes and experiment on things unlike my brother.

-Red pandas are usually very quiet and shy. Likewise, I am quite shy and quiet around people I do not really know.

-These small creatures like to mark their territory; any trespassers are asking for trouble. I hate it when people go through my things or are just occupying my space.

-I would consider myself a morning person, as I don’t find much difficulty in waking up early to get things done. Red pandas too are most active in the early morning hours.

-We (red pandas and I) share our habitat, the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains and in regions of Nepal and China.

-The way we start the day is also something red pandas and I share in common as they wash themselves clean to a fresh start.

-These animals know how to enjoy luxury as it comes as they love massaging themselves. I enjoy every bit of a massage as well; it’s just that somebody else does it on me.

-Rather than facing danger, red pandas try to run away from it. This is something I constantly find myself doing. I hate the feeling of knowing something bad will happen.

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