Friday 25 November 2011

Challenge 24: Me

50. Tell us about yourself. (University of California)
(inspired by achi’s list-style)

1.       I have spent more than half my life in a boarding school and, for the most part, I don’t regret it at all.
2.      I am really lucky to have two best-friends that are always there for me and show me the correct way when I am wrong.
3.      My favorite color is white because it is so clean and makes me feel at peace (and because of a movie I watched). If white isn’t counted as a color, I would pick red as I seem to associate most with it.
4.      It’s easy to tell when I’m embarrassed because I feel blood rush up to my face and I blush immediately. A lot of my friends laugh at me because of this.
5.      I don’t like speaking in public because I am afraid that I will make a mistake in front of everybody and make a fool out of myself.
6.      I really dislike economics. I feel so dumb in my class because I don’t understand half of the concepts being taught to us.
7.      My favorite sport is swimming. The water relaxes me and makes me feel at ease. It is the first sport that I learnt, thanks to my maternal grandfather, and every summer I love spending my time in the pool with my family.
8.      Recently I have started to realize how addicting computer games can be. So I am learning to prioritize my time wisely and get all my work done so I can play.
9.      I get really frustrated when I don’t understand something, and then I start to wonder why I seem to be the only that cannot understand. This then gets me really upset.
10.   I love talking to my mother when I am upset. Her voice comforts me, and like all mothers, she seems to know exactly what to say to cheer me up.
11.    I think a good amount of sleep is the best thing I can give to my body and mind. Without a good sleep, I am all tired the following day, and I just cannot seem to perform as well in classes.
12.   A part of me likes competition. It allows me to prove myself and I love the feeling of winning. However when the competition gets all rough and scary I’d rather just give up than start an argument.
13.   Knowing that the people closest to me are happy makes me happy.
14.   I hate seeing people cry, no matter who they are, and when I am upset I don’t like to show anybody either (unless I am talking to my mother).
15.   I have a younger brother whose kindness is something I am very envious of, yet is very inspiring.
16.    I prefer rooming with people I don’t know because throughout the term I get to know them. They usually respect my space unlike close friends of mine (not saying that I don’t like rooming with my good friends).
17.   My mother always apologizes to people even if it isn’t her fault and I find myself doing that a lot. If somebody else bumps into me, I am the one that says sorry. I find this really annoying especially when that person just glares at me and walks away.
18.   I try smiling all the time, even when I am not really happy. I know this isn’t good, but I don’t like people worrying about me, when they have bigger things to be concerned about.
19.   My concentration span really surprises me when I find myself doing something that interests me for hours. I don’t realize the amount of time that has passed while I am doing that.

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent list -- each point can be expanded into a proper essay. Examples:

    12. A part of me likes competition. It allows me to prove myself and I love the feeling of winning. However when the competition gets all rough and scary I’d rather just give up than start an argument.

    Write specifically about two or three competitions, including the scary types.

    15. I have a younger brother whose kindness is something I am very envious of, yet is very inspiring.

    Write about a few instances when he displayed kindness. Then, write about how you too have tried to be kind.

    16. I prefer rooming with people I don’t know because throughout the term I get to know them. They usually respect my space unlike close friends of mine (not saying that I don’t like rooming with my good friends).

    Write about three or four of your roommates, past or present. By revealing who they are as people you would reveal a lot about yourself.

    17. My mother always apologizes to people even if it isn’t her fault and I find myself doing that a lot. If somebody else bumps into me, I am the one that says sorry. I find this really annoying especially when that person just glares at me and walks away.

    OK, this one might not be an entire essay. But this really does reveal a lot about you. Maybe you could explore why she does this. Is it cultural? Religious? Or just a personal trait?

    19. My concentration span really surprises me when I find myself doing something that interests me for hours. I don’t realize the amount of time that has passed while I am doing that.

    Write about a few activities that interest you like this.
