Saturday 5 November 2011

Challenge 4: Between living and dreaming

139. Spanish poet Antonia Machado wrote, "Between living and dreaming there is a third thing. Guess it." Give us your guess. (U of Chicago)

"I am neither living in the real world, nor dreaming in an imaginary world, so what am I doing, where am I?" I think over that question again and again, as my heavy head, filled with numerous other unanswered questions, sinks into a soft pillow. I take a deep breath and try to clear my mind before entering the land of unconsciousness. But at the back of my mind, I find that question lingering demanding an answer.

At first I think, “Maybe only particular people can find it; people that practice meditation, or some other form of clearing the mind; psychologists must certainly have an answer!” But no, every human finds themselves in the void between consciousness and unconsciousness as they drift off to sleep.

While you are living in the real world, practical problems are thrown at you, one after the other, and your brain is constantly at work, analyzing every bit of that problem. While you dream, your brain lashes out of its chains, and thinks of solutions to those problems that you faced. These solutions are usually unrealistic, even though they may seem ideal.

I find myself in that void, and come up with the perfect solution for many of my problems. This is what is in between the conscious living and the unconscious dreaming, the semiconscious, thinking. As I ponder upon my initial question, I realize that thinking does not have to take place as you drift off to sleep. I enter the world of semi consciousness every time I face a problem, combining the far-fetched solutions from my dream with the harsh reality, to make the ideal solution.

 I am thinking. I am in the world of semi consciousness.

1 comment:

  1. I never thought about it like that. This is so good :) nice :D
