Friday 2 December 2011

Challenge 31: Spider

90. Describe a humorous experience you have had.

Getting back at my friends has always been an activity that I enjoy planning and get a laugh out of once it has been carried out. I’m sure they feel the same way about it otherwise they wouldn’t continue doing so. Having a friend that comes lays on my bed, spoiling the puffiness of my blanket – something that bothers me a lot – and distracts me by talking about the latest gossip and about anything and everything is not very convenient when there is a lot of work to be done. However, this friend manages to finish all her work, even though she does it in the very last minute. She doesn’t mean to be a distraction most of the time, but she is.

One night, this friend of mine came to my room during study hall, and like always, managed to stray me away from my work. I kept telling her to stay quiet and finish her work, but her moment of silence never lasts for long. She would hum to herself and find any way to distract me, and laugh at my frustration. By the time it was lights out, I still hadn’t finished my work, and my friend had already washed up and was bundled up, snug in her bed. I was furious, I wanted my sleep too!

Half-dozing off, and in range, I managed to finish all my work. By the time I actually finished, my sleepiness had worn off and I was wide awake. My roommate was in the same state and we found ourselves going through our stuff and finding the mysterious items that stayed hidden in our cupboards. Out of the blue, I noticed a black spider the size of my finger on my pillow beside me. Too frightened to scream, I jumped on my roommate’s bed. In the midst of my state of shock I found my roommate laughing hysterically at me. She had thrown a rubber spider on my pillow without me noticing.

She had pulled off the “old rubber spider” prank and I was going to as well. My friend, who was getting a good night’s sleep, is terrified of spiders, and this toy was exactly what I needed to get back at her for my work delay. My roommate and I went to her room, placed the spider on her pillow in between her tangled hair, and turned on the bed lamp. After a minute of taking deep breaths to stop my laughter, I woke her up to and pretended to ask her a very sincere question. In the very next minute I screamed and told her there was a spider on her head. With fear written all over her face she jumped out of her bed and ran out the door. She was boiling with anger as I sprawled myself across her bed and couldn’t stop laughing. She stormed down the corridor and went into a neighboring room to spend the night.

Once I got myself to stop laughing, I went back to my room. That night I went to sleep with an evil grin on my face that I could not wipe out. I felt a sting of guiltiness, but I knew that would pass. Tomorrow was going to arrive in a few minutes, and it would be a new, fresh day.

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