Tuesday 6 December 2011

Challenge 35: Procrastinate

December 6
232. Ten things you do when you procrastinate

1. Think of reasons to stop the guilt I feel of not doing my work when I should.
2. Catch up on my sleep.
3. Watch a few episodes of my favorite TV show (at the moment), Vampire Diaries.
4. Think of a time when I will finish whatever I am supposed to.
5. Complain about how much work I have.
6. Cook an instant noodle and savor every bit of it, hoping that it will last forever, so I don’t have to get back to my work.
7. Go on facebook and write back to friends whom I have lost in-touch with, and when I’m done with        that play tetris until I run out of energy.
8. Clean up my room and then take a shower, hoping that I will get to work when my surroundings are clean.
9. Go to my friend’s room and talk about … anything actually.
10. Go out for a walk or to the mall. 

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