Sunday 18 December 2011

Challenge 47: Wishes

229. Three wishes

“Bippity boppity boo.” By saying those three words and singing the whole chant to perform magic is something I would long to have. Even if it just meant fulfilling three wishes. A utopia is said to be unable to achieve, yet if my three wishes come true, the world will indeed be close to perfect.

-World Peace

Lately, the world seems to be getting worse and worse in terms of security and stability. With world peace no individual will have to suffer because of their race, gender, religion or any other form of discrimination. The super powers will not flex their muscles by showing off their nuclear weapons and no one will have to feel insecure about when the next nuclear bomb will set off.

-Health and Happiness for all sentient beings

If people have health and happiness what more do you need? These things are the wish of every living being whether they may know it or not. Rich or poor, everyone’s utmost desires are health and happiness.

-Free Tibet

Being under the Chinese regime for approximately 50 years is more than enough. A free Tibet means a free Asia. Tibet, the roof of the world, has always been a buffer zone between India and China, until the Chinese invasion in 1959. As you may or may not know, China is diverting the course of nature – the rivers – towards mainland China to quench the thirst of its billion citizens; the impact of which is going to be horrendous for those countries to the south of Tibet. Tibet is also becoming China’s ‘dumping ground’ for all its nuclear waste. The oppression face by the Tibetans in Tibet is also something that will automatically stop once Tibet is autonomous. A free Tibet will make the world a safer place. A free Tibet = freedom of choice, speech and action.

1 comment:

  1. Your three wishes must have been very dear to you. I don't know if it is like it, but it does sound as though you really put some emotion to the three wishes.
