Monday 5 December 2011

Challenge 34: Prison Inmates

181. Should prison inmates be allowed to take college courses? Explain why or why not.

Time is a limited resource. Each day is made up of 24 hours, and each year comprises of 365 days, not including a leap year. Most of those days are spent on studying and learning new things. Receiving a good education is vital in the 21st century, and those that do not get it at the correct time lose out.

Everybody has the choice of when they want to take a particular college course, if they know they can afford it and will get into college. However, prisoners may not face the same option. They may be restricted from a great opportunity, just because they are stuck in prison. People in jail should definitely be allowed to take college courses as the time they spend in prison will not be of a waste.

Majority of the prisoners do not spend their whole lifetime in prison. They will, some day, be let out and will have to adjust to the outside world, and will have to try and earn a living. Some may even go back to studying, which may be very difficult to get in, in the middle. However, if prisoners are allowed to take college courses, it might be easier for them to get a job and live a normal life. This will help their chances of getting employed.

Education received by prison inmates will probably have a positive impact on their lives. The education they get can help rehabilitate them and give them a chance to interact with people outside prison. They can expand their knowledge outside prison bars and keep will be more up-to-date with how the modern society works.

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