Thursday 15 December 2011

Challenge 44: 10 rules

233. Ten simple rules for dating me

1. Respect

Respect: yourself, the decisions you make, me, and the decisions I make. Be a person that I can respect as it takes more to respect the person than to love him.

2. Smile and be positive

Nothing lasts forever, but while it does don’t think about the negative bits. When you’re positive, you’ll probably always have a smile on. A smile can change my day completely. Knowing that you’re happy will probably make me happy as well.

3. Be considerate

You should think about others before you say or do something. They have feelings too. This tells me a lot about your personality.

4. Tell me

Talk to me. Tell me when you’re upset or if I have done something to upset you. I’d rather have you come and tell me directly, not having your friend tell me what I have done wrong. Also tell me when you’re happy so I can celebrate with you.

5. Have a sense of humor

Make me laugh and laugh with me. Life would be too serious without a little laughter every now and again.

6. Be there for me

Don’t leave your friends completely for me, because I won’t do that. Just know when I need you and be there for me then.

7. Be understanding and comforting

When I’m upset I complain a lot. Be the shoulder I cry on, and comfort me in times of distress.

8. Don’t smoke or drink.

I despise the smell of both alcohol and cigarettes, they will affect you your health as well as mine, and anyone else around you.

9. Trust me

Trust, the foundation of any relationship; without trust it goes nowhere. When I tell you something, believe me. I (should) have no reason to lie to you.

10. I am who I am, and you are who you are.

I’m going to like you for the person you are, the choices you make and your personality. You should likewise like me for who I am because I’m not going to change. 

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