Tuesday 13 December 2011

Challenge 42: Dialogue

247. Write an imaginary dialogue between you and a roommate late at night when the lights are out and neither of you can sleep.

Roommate (R): I’m so hungry.
Me: Eat something, you haven’t brushed yet.
R: Hmmm … what should I eat? Noodles?
Me: How will you cook it?
R: Your boiler :p
Me: Haha, should have guessed. Go ahead, you can use it.
5 minutes later, room filled with the smell of noodles
R: This tastes really good right now. Do you want some?
Me: I already brushed … L
R: It’s okay, just eat. Then you can brush again later when I go and brush.
Me: Sigh. Should I really eat?
R: Yup! Stop asking, I know you want to eat. Just eat.
Me: Okay, okay. J <takes a bite> I can’t believe this.
R: It’s good right?
Me: Yup, pretty good.
Me: Hey, can I use your earphones. I can’t find mine, and I can’t go to sleep, so I think I’ll watch Vampire Diaries.
R: Here you go.
Me: Thanks.
<She keeps eating while I watch Vampire Diaries>
R: You know, that friend of mine still hasn’t said a thing to me yet. I really thought we would’ve spoken by now, but I guess not. What do you think about it?
Me: Were you talking to me?
R: (annoyed) Who else would I be talking to, a ghost?
Me: HAHAHAHH. I’m kind of in the middle of watching something and I have no clue what you’re talking about, so I didn’t think it was me. :p
R: Are you okay?
Me: Yup, can you repeat whatever you were saying again?
R: So, that friend of mine and I are still not talking?
Me: … Oh, that again. Why don’t you just talk first and get it over with?
R: Because, I was the one who spoke first earlier when this happened. I’m not going to be the first person again.
Me: <sigh> You might just lose a really good friend like that. Both of you are too stubborn.
R: I’m not stubborn, he is!
Me: You’re proving my point.
R: Sigh. Anyway, you seem busy watching. I should just let you watch it and not disturb you.
Me: Oh, that’s nice. Thanks.
R: You wanted me to shut up didn’t you?
Me: Haha. Kind of. But you should sleep anyway, because you slept late last night too.
R: True. So, guess I’ll be sleeping then. Goodnight, wan an.
Me: Wan an.

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