Wednesday 14 December 2011

Challenge 43: Power

217. What you would do with power

MUAHAHAHAHA! Now I can finally carry out my master plan … WORLD DOMINATION!

I would make everyone that has been mean to me and has truly despised me for no reason slog under the blazing sun, carrying bricks of gold to make statues of me. I would just take what I wanted in any store I entered and have a house in each and every single country. With power I would have everyone looking up to me as a leader that they fear and must follow every command. Every word I say would send shivers down their spine and everything they did would be to please me.

Just kidding. That’s not at all what I would do, even if 0.1% of me might want that. Taking over the world doesn’t always have to be in a negative context, but rather a positive one. I truly believe in what Uncle Ben from Spiderman, said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” With this power, I would be responsible with everything that happened all around the world, and I would make sure that it would be for the best. All the criminals would face harsh consequences, very harsh ones. These consequences would then be all over the media so people would be aware of the consequences they would have to deal with for every crime. This would then decrease the crime rate. I would make sure that all everyone living a middle or high-class lifestyle would constantly keep donating to the poor and unfortunate people of the world. The poor getting what they need and crime rates decreasing are my main goals to accomplish for the greater good with the power I have.

With power, I would also like to make many dreams come true and answer the prayers of many Tibetans by making China give Tibet its autonomy. I would let all Tibetans return to their homeland if they wish and make sure that they have a comfortable life there. 

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