Monday 19 December 2011

Challenge 48: Favorite Time of day

237. Describe your favorite time of the day.

My favorite time of the day changes from time to time, depending on when I sleep. It is the short period when I’m in between the real world and my dream world. In that time, I think over what I’ve done throughout the day and also what I plan on doing in the following days. After I have completed all my plans, I think about the far future where I see me accomplishing all my dreams and everything goes exactly the way I want. Thinking stuff like this is one of the few ways I put myself to sleep.

This is the time when I feel privileged to have a bed to sleep in and realize how fortunate I am to be me. As I lay snug in my bed, with my head sinking into a soft pillow, I let all my muscles relax and feel comfortable under the warm quilt. As a cool breeze enters through the open window, I take a deep breath that acts like a catalyst as it gets rid of all my worries, clears my mind and allows sleep to come to me faster.

The rustling of the leaves fits in perfectly with the picture of the night sky as the lamp outside my window giving out light, which makes its way into my room through the gap between the two curtains. I can still see the faint light through my sleeping mask that covers my eyes. This is the time when no one will come to disturb me, unless you’re my best friend who will wake me up whenever she wants, whether she’s bored, wants something etc. This is the time when I appreciate the silence around me and serenity of the still night as I drift off to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I like how descriptive you are in your post. What I like best about this post is that I can relate to it. I too have these moments every night just before going to sleep, all my thoughts, hopes, dreams are all present, and all clear.This time for me is important because I get time to myself and be alone with my thoughts.
